Nicola Filiali
Master JuJitsu 4° Dan Renshi
He began practicing Judo as an amateur at the age of 16 (after several “acrobatic” sports disciplines) initially under the guidance of Maestro Otello Rinaldi. In 1990, at the age of 20, he moved to the Judo gym “Dojo Shirobei Akyama” (AN) under the guidance of Maestro Ermanno Peyrone and joined the gym’s competitive team. Here he deepens his knowledge of competitive and traditional Judo.
In 1993 he obtained the Black Belt of Judo (FIJLKAM). In the same period he approaches teaching assisting Maestro Peyrone in Judo courses for children, soon becoming the reference for the little ones. In 1994 he faces JuJitsu following Maestro Peyrone. In 1996 he obtained the recognition of the 1 Dan of JuJitsu. In 1997 he became 2 Dan of Judo (FIJLKAM). Since 2000, the interest in JuJitsu becomes predominant and, following Master Peyrone, he deepens various styles, obtaining the 2nd Dan (without ever abandoning the study of Judo, which remains the basis on which the rest of his career rests). Since 2010 he has been a 3rd Dan JuJitsu instructor (with ASI qualification recognized by CONI). Judo instructor since 2013 (with ASI qualification recognized by CONI). Since 2014 I have returned to FIJLKAM as a Judo Technician (with an aspiring coach qualification). Since 2015 Master 4th Dan JuJitsu KoEn-Ryu (with ASI qualification recognized by CONI). In June 2016 he received the recognition of RENSHI JUJITSU from Soke Fabrizio Lazzarin (Kuroishi Ryu Bujitsu). In 2019 he was appointed Master responsible for the Marche within the “KakutoDo Italia” project. In 2020 he is promoted 4th Dan of KakutoDo, with the attribution of the title of “Dai Jokyo in KakutoDo” by Shihan M. Soave.